Horse Haven
Holistic Track Livery & Ethical Training
Horse Haven is the home of Emmett for Horses training in Wales and it is used extensively here for the hugely beneficial effects it has on the minds and bodies of the horses in our care.
Since the first intake of students (of which Larri was one) in 2017, over 30 people have now had hands on experience of studying this amazing therapy in our unique learning environment. We have even had the great pleasure of a visit from Ross Emmett himself and it was an honour indeed to meet him and watch this very special and unbelievably intuitive man interact with and treat our horses
In the kind and knowledgeable hands of the great instructor Tony Sherry, everyone from single horse owners, veterinary physiotherapists, barefoot hoof specialists, human Emmett practitioners and other equine therapists have attended short courses or qualified as practitioners taking this great therapy out to many more lucky horses.
During training days and treatments the horses are all loose and freely allowed to consent to or decline treatment. The training days are not only about learning the moves, anatomy & assessment skills, but an insight into equine body language and behaviour and a great way to experience non verbal feedback.
Please contact us if you would like to know more or find out current course dates.
Larri is now a fully qualified Emmett for Horses practitioner and one of the first in the country to achieve Advanced Practitioner status in November 2018. She is available for treatments to individuals or groups of horses and will travel up to 30 miles from the yard. Cost is £50 per horse, with a discount for two or more at the same yard
What is Emmett?
Emmett is a very gentle yet effective therapy using muscle response to fingertip pressure on specific points to rebalance your horse in body and mind, giving a sense of wellbeing. It can assist in pain management, increase flexibility by releasing muscle restrictions and improve ridden performance.
Taught in 26 countries worldwide.
Our new website is under construction - unfortunately we are unable to alter the content of some pages, so information regarding pricing and services is out of date. Please message for further details.
Here at Horse Haven we offer a completely unique and fully holistic approach to whole horse health, welfare, care and training.
Barefoot natural herd living on a full livery basis on our hybrid Track / Equicentral system at our beautiful holding in the idyllic Aeron Valley in rural mid-west Wales.
We believe we are unique in the depth of our knowledge, experience and ability to offer completely bespoke care to improve mental and emotional wellbeing as well as physical health and welfare.
The perfect environment for all horses young and old, but of particular benefit for horses with physical, behavioural or metabolic issues
Experienced in the rehabilitation and management of horses with hoof pathologies, back & lower limb strains and injuries, gut health issues / ulcers, Laminitis, EMS, Lyme disease, PSSM, PPID.
We can provide a variety of training packages all delivered force and fear free under LIMA principles by a knowledgable trainer and instructor who has studied and has many years experience in Applied Equine Behaviour
Emmett for Horses therapy is both practiced and taught here.
Set up to promote and provide quality barefoot care, offering fully supported barefoot transition assistance if required
Bitless training and transitions to bitless a speciality.
Despite the acreage available, herd numbers are kept deliberately very small to ensure that all horses receive the same love, care and attention that our own horses do - no horse is treated differently here, they all become part of our four legged family.